mirror magic: “Way UP” installation

The Journey

of THE MIRROR IS ME began with the release of Luna’s 1st single, “Way Up”. Moving through the visual production for the single led to the unveiling of an even bigger vision. Like the pieces of a puzzle coming together, creatives working in sync, Luna produced a multi-media installation featuring the creative collaborators of the project.

The Mission

To revolutionize the model of independent music release by creating a full immersed art experience through which multiple mediums are used as a platform for community engagement, education, and empowerment.

With music release and sound healing at its core, the intention of this evolving pop up series is to create a moment of sensory engagement through which multiple mediums of artistic expression are used as a vehicle for storytelling, self-reflection and healing.

This project is the enactment of a woman embracing her wholeness on the journey of self-reflection through her roles as Mother, Sister, Daughter and Lover.

Mirror Magic is…

an emerging lifestyle brand that uses the mirror as a tool of self-reflection, making connections to personal power and one's purpose. “Mirror Magic: Way Up" is an immersive arts installation series and culture-education platform.

To learn more about Mirror Magic, please visit:

To learn more about Mirror Magic, please visit:


the way up experience - atlanta


Be apart of this event.

Do you have a blog, or online publication? We’d love to do an editorial partnership with you to bring the Way Up Experience to your platform.

Maybe you’re looking for programming? We’re always excited to partner with businesses and organizations looking to implement empowering community exchange.

MIRROR MAGICwayUp_2021Deck.1 by moonisfull_2002

continued experiences

The Mirror Magic: Way Up Experience extends its reflection into multiples opportunities of empowerment and exchange. Stay tuned for upcoming offerings.